Huang uncle 55 years old, a few years ago appeared body weakness, thirst, dry mouth and other symptoms, thought it was caused by physical weakness, but also ate for a period of time supplements, but the symptoms are more and more serious, to the hospital to find that the blood glucose, lipids are over the limit, was diagnosed with the "three highs! "<br
At the beginning of the diagnosis of the disease, Mr. Huang followed the doctor's instructions to take medication indeed indicators are back to normal, but even ate for a few years, or can not take off the "three high" hat, the feeling that the medication can not be a cure for the disease, he will slowly stop the medicine, he also felt nothing uncomfortable place.
Last year a friend introduced an expert seminar, said he could cure diabetes, hypertension, he was excited to buy several tens of thousands of dollars of health care products, ate the feeling that people do feel a lot better.
But a blood pressure measurement, but found that the blood pressure remains high, asked the expert store customer service, replied that the course of treatment is not enough, you have to continue to eat. Until a month later, Uncle Huang found himself messaging and calling can not contact the person, and only then realized that he was cheated.
In the end, you can only helplessly in the company of family members, did a full body check, continue to honestly eat antihypertensive drugs.

1, specialized pit elderly 3 scams, you know a few?
Many people around the grandparents or mom and dad, are loyal fans of health care products, under the strong propaganda of the business, a variety of buy buy buy, hate the wish to live forever on health care products, but in fact, a lot of health care sales is a scam.
01 Playing the "love card", cheating the elderly credit
Olderly people are particularly susceptible to some of the so-called magical therapy brainwashing, hope that through the "health" to health, some health care business is more focused on playing the love card, the old people all kinds of warm and friendly. The old people all kinds of warm and caring, cheating the elderly credit, leading to the old people are more likely to fall into the scam.
02 Play "expert card", to the elderly brainwashing
Some health care businesses use some of the so-called expert clinics, expert lectures to publicize, and even give lectures on the title of senior national nutritional adviser, the royal old expert, etc., in order to attract older people to make a big fuss, hoping to better sell the product.
But the media broke the news and found that some of the so-called experts are nothing more than business packaging, they will also create some success stories out of thin air to attract older people to buy health care products.

03 Playing the "free card", the use of cheap psychology
There are also some health care companies will be issued free stuff, rebates, etc., to put a long line of fish, some of the old people who want to participate in the activities of the promotion of cheap lure under the publicity staff will also begin to enter the scam.
Two, the six kinds of disease spend more money can not be cured
Disease treatment seems to be a matter of course, but the fact that some of the disease spend more money can not be cured, the following kinds of disease can not be cured, if someone said that can be cured, that is most likely to want to cheat you out of your money.
1, hypertension
Secondary hypertension can be cured by treating the primary disease, but primary hypertension is irreversible, most patients need to adhere to the treatment of drugs or non-drugs, there is no cure, can only be through the drugs and other ways of controlling blood pressure, once these ways of lowering the blood pressure, "withdrawn! ", then the blood pressure may rebound.

2, diabetes
Patients with mildly elevated blood glucose can control their blood glucose by controlling their diet, exercise, etc., secondary or partial gestational diabetes or can return to normal, but type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are incurable, requiring patients to be ready to fight a long-lasting war.
3, rheumatic immune diseases
Wuhan Tongji Hospital rheumatology and immunology physician Li Shouxin pointed out that many rheumatic immune diseases cause is not clear, most of them can not be cured, and can only be through the regular treatment to alleviate the symptoms, control the condition.
4, dementia
Dementia, also known as Alzheimer's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease, is irreversible, generally only through drugs to improve symptoms, reduce the progress of the disease, can not be cured.

5, psoriasis
Some psoriasis patients hope to get rid of the disease once and for all, and expect all kinds of prescriptions to cure it, but Gu Jun, director of dermatology at Shanghai Changhai Hospital, pointed out that there is no cure for psoriasis at present, and you can't believe in some of the remedies. Psoriasis can only be alleviated through medication, lifestyle changes and other measures, so as to avoid its recurrence.
6, chronic obstructive pulmonary
Slow obstructive pulmonary more often seen in long-term smoking or long-term inhalation of dust in some of the population, Shanxi University Hospital respiratory deputy chief physician Wang Ruiying pointed out that slow obstructive pulmonary is a kind of irreversible chronic airway inflammation, can not be cured, and need to be maintained for a long time to reduce the frequency of acute exacerbation of the severity of the treatment.

Three, was blown up to the sky of the 4 kinds of health care, in fact, not much use
A variety of health care propaganda is really accurate targeting the patient's psychology, to give a kind of you spend money to pay for the feeling of immediate realization of the desire, but some of the health care is just blown up to the sky, in fact, not much use.
Deep-sea fish oil (DHA): DHA has the title of "brain gold", in the business advertising slogan has the effect of making people smarter, in fact, healthy people eat a balanced diet, there is no need to supplement fish oil.
And, compared to eating high-priced fish oil and DHA products, eating fish directly is healthier and smarter, and can also add more nutrients.
Royal jelly: Royal jelly is known as a miracle health supplement because bee larvae are able to develop into queens and live longer when they eat it, and researchers have found that this is linked to a protein in royal jelly.
But the truth is that this royal jelly, while it can change the fate of bees, is ineffective for humans, and the composition of royal jelly on sale in the market is not necessarily pure royal jelly, and the effect is unknown.

Cordyceps Sinensis: The health benefits of cordyceps Sinensis have been highly regarded, and many people assume that it is medicinal. However, the Food and Drug Administration has pointed out that Cordyceps is one of the Chinese herbs, not medicinal food, and many of the tested Cordyceps products have heavy metal arsenic exceeds the standard.
Additionally, there is no high-quality research that confirms that Cordyceps is beneficial to human health, so it seems that spending a high price on a drug with unclear efficacy is really not necessary.
Pine pollen: Pine pollen in fact does not have any special health effects, containing ingredients are mainly carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, etc., these substances in other foods. Whether it is broken wall pine pollen or elk pine pollen, there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy.

Today's health care products are marketed in a variety of ways, in order to get the elderly to spend money can be said to be a lot of effort. But in fact, many health care products are exaggerated propaganda, and claimed to be able to cure some of the disease should also learn to identify their own, general diet and nutritional balance comprehensive, there is no need to take health care products.
- Author:Duly-health
- URL:https://www.dulyhealth.site/article/9a696e11-be14-47c2-b602-8f9783e6863f
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