Scalp folliculitis can be treated with general therapy, medication, and surgery.
Scalp folliculitis is an infectious skin disease that involves only the hair follicles and surrounding tissues of the head and may be caused by infections with pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. Patients can develop red papules on the scalp area with symptoms such as itching and pain.
Patients should pay attention to scalp cleanliness and hygiene, keep the scalp dry and hygienic, avoid scratching, rubbing and squeezing the scalp, and also pay attention to a light diet with less oily, spicy and stimulating foods to avoid aggravating the condition.
If it is caused by a bacterial infection, patients can follow the doctor's prescription for medication such as Mopirosin ointment, and then finger ointment.
If a fungal infection is the cause, it can also be treated with medications such as the same anti-substance lotion, hydrochloric acid, and special resistant creams under the guidance of a doctor.
If the patient has severe symptoms and an abscess on the scalp, it can also be treated surgically by incision and drainage.
Patients should seek prompt medical attention and aggressive treatment to avoid delaying the disease.
- Author:Duly-health
- URL:https://www.dulyhealth.site/article/3702998a-ca0d-4ff5-8ed7-24e8c77b5ffe
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