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"When you're old, you have to be old, so don't move yourself out of the way."
"You don't like sports, but it's easy to get into trouble. People have said that life lies in movement, look at yourself, I am the same age as you, how much younger than you look." Auntie Wang said proudly.
"Look at the next door old Li, before how much love running ah, and now it is because of running too much knee can not, every now and then run to the hospital. Exercise is useless!" After listening to Auntie Wang's words, Mr. Liu retorted and walked away with a cup of water, leaving Auntie Wang in the same place, furious.
Wang Auntie and Mr. Liu's words seem to have their own reasoning, that life in the end is in the movement or quiet? Today to give you the answer~

One, life is in the movement or rest? Research gives the answer
About exercise and rest which is good for the body, different people have different views, so in the end is the exercise more long life or rest more long life? Let research tell you the answer.
The New England Journal (BMJ) published a study that meta-analyzed the past eight studies of 36,383 subjects with an average age of 62.6 years and an average follow-up of 5.8 years.
The results found that about 6.25 hours a day of light exercise, such as walking and cooking, or 24 hours a day of moderate to high light exercise, reduced the risk of premature death by 50-60%. Even just 1 hour of light exercise per day, such as cooking and doing the dishes, reduced the risk of death by 40%. And those who were sedentary (those who sat 9.5 hours a day) increased their risk of all-cause mortality by as much as two times!

Not coincidentally, there have been a number of studies on the health benefits of exercise.
This shows that exercise does help to prolong life for older people. The WHO's Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior also state that replacing sedentary with any exercise is good for people.

Since exercise is so good, what about sedentary? Wang Xing, deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of the 983rd Hospital of the Joint Logistics Force, said that the two are not in conflict with the quiet and exercise. As the so-called cultivation of the body, cultivation means exercise, and nourishment means rest and recuperation, many times talking about the state of mind, state of life.
He said, if the physical conditions allow, it is recommended to choose the right sports and insist on doing, do not overdo it; but also to combine work and leisure, learn to quiet. The quiet is not just limited to meditation or nothing to do, more will be the idea of throwing the empty, the qi sinking dantian, so that attention is focused on the breath. Daily can walk, drink tea, play chess, walking, are not lost is the method of quiet.
Two, long-term persistence of exercise, four kinds of benefits do not come
Regular exercise, can bring a lot of benefits to the body, these four benefits believe that many people will be very moved.
1, slow down the skin aging
Exercise can promote the body's microcirculation speed, so that the skin's ability to absorb oxygen to strengthen, help to make the skin become smooth, the waste discharge speed accelerated, for slowing down the aging of the skin is also helpful.

2, help cardiovascular health
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology published a study that pointed out that only need to insist on running for six months, you can make the blood vessels 4 years younger. And China's cardiovascular disease level 1 guidelines also pointed out that active exercise can help improve blood vessel elasticity and reduce blood pressure.
3, help sleep
Adherence to exercise can make the nervous system excitation and inhibition play a good role in regulating the body to help the establishment of a good sleep cycle, to solve the problem of insomnia from the root.
4, bone and joint better
Frequent exercise can let the joint cartilage is stimulated, so that its metabolic rate accelerated, but also can let the joint fluid in the joints in the full flow, play a lubrication, to provide nutritional role, for the health of the joints.

Three, after the age of 50, 4 kinds of exercise to avoid, but instead of injury
Need to remind is that the movement is good to pay attention to choose the right project, some of the common sports are not suitable for the elderly, inappropriate exercise, but prone to injury.
The elderly will have more or less knee joint lesions, climbing stairs to exercise will lead to a heavier burden on the knee joints, easy to make their own symptoms worsened, or to promote knee injury.
The elderly blindly shoulder shaking, lifting action, easy to lead to shoulder joint load, then cause rotator cuff tear, induced shoulder pain.
This action can be a good way to stretch the muscles and bones, but it's not suitable for people who are older. The elderly themselves are less balanced, a large bending of the body can easily lead to joint dislocation, strain, too fast may also lead to excessive changes in blood pressure, inducing cerebral hemorrhage.
Square dance is not lacking in some body rotation movements, these movements for the center of gravity control, lower limb strength has high requirements. Prolonged dancing will lead to overloaded joints, easily accelerating their wear and tear, and subsequently inducing joint pain.

Four, Zhong Nanshan: middle-aged and elderly people do more 4 kinds of exercise, disease prevention and longevity
Academician Zhong Nanshan of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Nankai University, Tianjin, in the line of public lectures clearly pointed out the importance of exercise for the body, to encourage people to adhere to exercise, he also recommended 4 kinds of suitable for middle-aged and elderly people's sports.
1, running
Zhong Nanshan academician home gym, the highest usage rate is the treadmill, he will be on the treadmill walking and jogging, he said he started running exercise 70 years ago, even now older, but also often 5 kilometers of jogging fitness.
2, walking
Walking is one of the sports suitable for the elderly, the burden on the knee joints will not be great, and can play a role in exercise. Walking can be done anywhere, anytime, and it is recommended that you walk for 40-60 minutes a day.
3, swimming
Swimming exercise can reduce the load on the joints, for the heart health has a great deal of good, pay attention to exercise to long-term persistence.
4, tai chi
For some of the joint function is not good for the elderly, daily choice of tai chi for exercise, for training the thighs, the body flexibility and strength play a very good role.
- Author:Duly-health
- URL:https://www.dulyhealth.site/article/10870fd0-7595-4224-84fd-340658a5d9c3
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